A small figure pushes a lens assembly around the truss work of a 25" ring. Made from steel, teak, vintage sewing machine parts, gears, and a surplus fisheye lens.

It is currently on display at Device Gallery in San Diego, CA.





Steel gyroscope inlayed with teak and glass. Chalk boards and mathmatical formulas cover the interior. Precision bearings allow the base and sphere to spin in one direction while the pilot spins the other.

Dimensions 15 "tall x 11 " wide

Video of machine in action





Steel gyroscope inlayed with teak and glass. Precision bearings allow the base and sphere to spin in one direction while the pilot spins the other.

Dimensions 15 "tall x 11 " wide


This piece was made for the Fantastic Contraption exhibit. It is featured in the book: Device Volume 1 - Fantastic Contraption



brotron prisonersbrotron prisonersbrotron prisonersbrotron prisoners

Three steel cages hang from a central pressure gauge box. The cages are occupied by steel and iron prisoners.

Dimensions 50" tall x 12 " wide


This piece was made for the Fantastic Contraption exhibit. It is featured in the book: Device Volume 1 - Fantastic Contraption


Designed around a junked 1955 DeSoto Fireflite, this resurrected machine is made of car parts and hand formed steel panels. The oil pool base is gloss black acrylic and wood.

Dimensions 54"tall x 30,5"wide x 31"deep.

Weight: 70 lbs

This piece was made for the Carnivora traveling exhibit. It is featured in the Carnivora: The Dark Art of Automobiles and is currently on display at Device Gallery in San Diego, CA.


A mechanical representation of Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Constructed from a framework of steel rods around a functioning mechanical skeleton. Skinned with hammer formed steel panels that are welded for a riveted look and coated with an exterior marine varnish.

Seated 4 feet high the figure would stand about 7 feet tall and weighs around 80 pounds. Built in sections that bolt internally.






This robotic version of the Roman god Mercury stands 9 feet tall and weighs around 300 pounds. The hand polished and intricately welded steel skin is coated with an exterior marine varnish. The base is a torch cut steel plate bolted to inch thick plywood with casters. Currently on display at Device Gallery in San Diego, CA.


An insect like, robotic version of the Greek Minotaur built around a vintage Kirby vacuum. Minitron stands 7 feet tall and weighs around 100 pounds. Much of the original machine and its functionality are integrated into the new form. The head/motor forces air through the body to fill the original cloth bag mounted on the back. The spear is made from the upright vacuum handle and the head lights up between the horns to show off the Kirby logo plate. The body is all steel coated with an exterior marine varnish. An oxidizing patina was used on the raw steel to blacken and age the metal then brush polished in the high spots to give depth and a look of use. Minitron is built in sections that bolt internally so it can be disassembled for shipping. Currently on display at Device Gallery in San Diego, CA.

A modified Electrolux canister vacuum atop a Steelcase chair base. Made of steel, machined aluminum and acrylic, it stands 20 inches tall with a length of 54 inches. When fired from a trigger at the back of the gun, clear acrylic rods glow a bright ruby red, and a jet like sound comes from 6 German siren whistles powered by vacuum pressure. The sound can be adjusted with the variable pitch dial on the side. Currently on display at Device Gallery in San Diego, CA.

Watch the infamous DeathRay commercial here.




A classic Sunbeam mixer, flipped around on its base and crowned with a vintage hood ornament. Total length is 42 inches from the tip of the stainless steel barrel to the back of the solid aluminum handle.

Currently on display at ŠPop Gallery in Detroit, MI.

Hamilton Demo 6


A wide steel barrel emerging from a vintage Hamilton blender and topped with a Vespa fender ornament. Satin nickel finish with black accents. 24 inches long by 14 inches tall


24 inches




Mad science in miniature, the hydraulic Robo-slab measures 11" long by 6" wide. All steel construction except for the top of the decontamination lamp which is machined aluminum. The table tilts and can be locked into position, as can the adjustable surgery arms.